Monday, February 27, 2012

Iowa MOST Blogspot

It is already Monday evening.  We have been having internet difficulties.  First the hospital does not wireless and then the wireless at the hotel is SLOW before 10:00 pm.
We are trying to enter a blog each day on the Iowa MOST blog site,   so please go to that blog site to follow what the team is doing until March 3, when you can come back to this site to follow the rest of our trip.
Thanks for following our blog.
Rachel & Cal

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Iowa "Miles Of Smiles Team" (MOST) Mission to Guatemala

Another Litwiller adventure is approaching!

Poster for 2011 Mission
On February 23 we will be leaving for Guatemala. This will be our second year helping on a Rotary Medical Mission to repair cleft palates and cleft lips. We are solely support – non-medical and non-Spanish speaking support! Last year we went to the city of Huehuetenango (locals call it Huehue), and this year we will be going to Quetzaltenango (locals call it Xala).

The Medical Mission is called Iowa MOST (Miles of Smiles Team). Go to the team blog spot to look at the Blog Archives of the past missions. By reading these past blogs you will have a better understanding of what the mission hopes to accomplish.

I am going to personally blog, as well as probably copy some of the ‘team blog’ into our own blog.

So stay tuned!

Right now we are getting things in order around here to be gone, plus packing lightly, but taking what we need